Tuesday, March 15, 2011

These Children I Love

I love my babies so very much. They are growing up so quickly and I am grasping at making the most of each day and cherishing it. Lots of hugs, kisses, snuggles, and praying that I would be the mom God has called and crafted me to be in each teachable moment. Here's a few pics of my darlings that I thought the world should see.
Those cheeks and big eyes get me every time
This one reminds me of my younger brother so much at the same age. We're really close in age so I don't know if its actual memories I have or just from pictures, but I see "Uncle Fff-lup" in his face!

Mogi is nothing if he's not full of energy and joy and playfulness. This picture captures his personality so well.

How could I not share this picture? He's just a shockingly beautiful child. Some day girls are going to be smitten with him and I pray that he would grow to be a man of self-control that would chose to honor women and save himself (heart, soul, and being) for the one that God has chosen to be his bride.

AJ has a captivating smile, even at 4 months old, but its hard to catch it on film. This one catches a bit of her cheerfulness.

Her personality may be limited at her young age, but it is distinctive and so different than her big brother's. She loves to cuddle and feel safe and get lots of eye contact. (Big brother was happiest have something to explore and being on the move.)

A little quality cuddle time with her Dani Ali. She's a true snuggle bug and would be okay being held every moment of the day. I pray that she would grow to know and love Jesus as her Lord and Savior and that she would treasure being held in the palm of His hand.

What are your prayers for your children? And what aspects of their personality do you revel in?

1 comment:

  1. You have BEAUTIFUL children. I have found myself thinking about my future children more often in the past few months. I pray that they would be boys and girls who grow even further in their faith than I ever will. What more could you want than your children to become ever better Jesus-followers than you? Thank you so much for your sweet, sweet comment on my blog. It means more than you know!
